with Evangelist Anita Pearce

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Order a book today and be encouraged by the Word of God as it is explored through Anita's writing.

Passionate Pursuit

Anita tells her amazing story of God’s faithfulness through tragedy and triumph. Converted to Christ and receiving a call to evangelism as a child, this book describes how her itinerant ministry began and how, as a woman preacher of the gospel, Anita has traveled for over forty-five years through more than forty countries, witnessing the power of God transforming lives. The challenge is for everyone to pursue Christ with perseverance and passion.

$20.00 CAD(plus s/h)


The Midnight Song

Shadows may fall across the path of life causing distress, dismay, and doubt. Trouble-filled dark experiences may seem stark and hopeless. Yet the Word of God brings the certainty that God's Almighty hand is always in control. His unfailing presence and promises can restore the song in the midnight of the soul.

Drawn from personal observations and adventures this compilation of both amusing and serious reflections endeavors to bring inspirational and thought-provoking meditations. We can discover practical spiritual lessons in daily experiences. Ultimately, the challenge is for everyone to passionately pursue Christ. As we seek to know and follow the Lord, He provides empowerment and grace for every situation. These illustrations may bring laughter, tears, and revelation—sometimes all at once! Hearts will be inspired to trust the unfailing God.

$15.00 CAD(plus s/h)


Choose a Contented Heart

Contentment is a choice. Although we face constant pressure to be someone we're not, and to desire more than we have, it is our responsibility to refuse discontentment. This book reveals the keys that can unlock serenity, the source of which is a living, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Choose a Contented Heart will chanllenge you to apply principles which produce profound peace and satisfaction from His life within you.

$12.00 CAD(plus s/h)


Choose a Changed Mind

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"
- Philippians 2:5 (KJV)

Our thoughts exert powerful influence over every aspect of our lives. Our behaviour is the result of our habitual thought patterns. If we desire to alter our conduct we must take responsibility to change the way we think. God has not left us alone in this challenge, but has given us effective tools to apply truth to our minds. There are practical steps to follow to make change permanent and effectual.

$12.00 CAD(plus s/h)


Joy In The Journey

As we hurry and worry along the path of life, beauty and joy can pass unnoticed except for fleeting flashes in our peripheral vision. The greatest thrills of life need not be the arrival at our destination but the exploration and discovery of unexpected marvels along the way.

Through this collection of both amusing and introspective observations drawn from real-life experiences, we recognize spiritual lessons in down-to-earth situations. You will be entertained while reading these escapades and challenged by the thought-provoking reflections.

$15.00 CAD(plus s/h)


Above The Storm

Drawn from down-to-earth episodes while traveling internationally in ministry, this combination of humorous encounters and soul-searching revelations will both amuse and cause deep reflection.

The ecounted escapades and experiences are guaranteed to bring inspiration and encouragement.

$15.00 CAD (plus s/h)


Choose To Live Life

Our character and core values are results of our choices.
We have the tremendous capacity to determine who we will be. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we do have power to decide our reactions and attitudes in response to them. It is that ability which enables us not just to survive, but also to thrive in seemingly impossible situations - to turn lemons into lemonade.

This book presents the challenge to choose to follow Christ and live life passionately.

$12.00 CAD (plus s/h)
